

Find your favorites of sugar free colas

We do our best to find all sugar-free colas from all brands. There are a large number of brands of cola zero drinks around the world, the most famous of which are probably Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

All sugar-free cola drinks are sorted alphabetically by brand. Which one is your favorite?

(The list is currently not complete - but is updated daily. Feel free to contact us if you are missing a sugar-free cola.)

Limited Editions and Discontinued colas

Here we present some of all the thousands colas that were made in "Limited Editions", "Collectors' items" or which has been "Discontinued" from the brands range.

The list is sorted by launch year. Newest (top) to oldest (botton).

This may differ in different countries and regions. The list includes colas both with and without sugar.
(The list is currently not complete - but is updated daily. Feel free to
contact us if you are missing a sugar-free cola.)

Isn't this a cola?

Brands that according to some are considered cola drinks, but which are still not really a cola. But just to be nice, these drinks have also been given a place on

Information has the ambition to always give you the right information. Minor changes to the product's content and packaging may occur over time and in different country and region, and we therefore ask you to always check the information on the product's current packaging before use.

The exact combination of ingredients, sweeteners and preservatives used varies from market to market. Occasionally there may be small variations in packaging, product name, color, typefaces and layout from country to country. is a Fanpage and makes no claims regarding brands, trademarks or products of any kind. You cannot buy products directly from, therefore we refer you to the brand's own sales channels. is an unofficial, non-profit, non-commercial website and fanpage about soft drinks of cola without sugar.

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